Our Story

Our story began when two like-minded creatives crossed paths, determined on creating something beautiful and intricate while preserving vintage art.

QOTN Home’s founders were inspired by home décor and the high-quality craftsmanship of embroidery. The idea came to life when they noticed a gap in the Kuwaiti market for linen embroidery products.

And from that, QOTN HOME was born. The idea was to deliver custom embroideries using quality materials and utilizing modern techniques that not only made us stand out, but also transported people into a world of glamor and luxury.

Our Vision

QOTN Home aims at carving a niche for itself in the world of custom luxury linens and home décor.

We aim at becoming a house-hold name for high-end custom embroidery, so that there’s a QOTN Home product in every corner of the house.